
Can't believe it myself

but I am sure a few people that know me will believe it. I have unpacked the house and have put 95% of the stuff away. There are only about two boxes left for me to go through. WOW. I got up early this morning (245 am) and began working again and got a lot of things done by 7. Then I went to Lowe's to order my new dishwasher. All the new appliances will be installed on Saturday. It's X-mas all over again.

Hannah had her first ortho visit today and will be getting a spacer put in her mouth in November. She did well today.

Mike has been busy around the house, installing blinds, curtain rods, new outside flood lights, a keypad lock on the front door (no more keys) and so many other things. Here is a picture of Diesel admiring himself in the closet mirror... What a ding dong!!