
Onyx had a rough one

It was a rough day for Onyx yesterday. Despite all the meds he rec'd he still continued to throw up all day long so we gave him sub q fluids around 8, and then decided it probably time to take him up to the emergency vets for IV fluids. The crappy things is when we got up there and told what was going on they wanted us to euthanize him. When we said no we wanted fluids they continued to harp on his conditions and said he would not get better. Mike and I decided it would be best to take him home and once they heard that they decided to give more fluid and an injection of anti nausea meds. He did good through the night and Dr. Golden called this morning and talked to the emergency vets and did not agree with what they were saying either. His Blood work came back and his amalayse was elevated suggesting pancreatitis. So no food today and more meds. We will see how today goes. He is sleeping comfortably right now. I love my boy sooo much...