
another step

one thing we learning living with a disease is our limitations. we struggle daily with what we can do, what we want to do and what we used to do. one thing that has KILLED my spirit is getting my hair done and making sure it was always on. i just can't do that anymore. so i have gone back to my original color (or a close variation because to tell you the truth it has been so long since I have seen it, i am not clear on what that color is except brownish) and I don't get it cut that often. but today i went on a spur of the moment (thank goodness) because the longer it gets the harder it is to do because i can't hold the blow dryer or brush on some days. so i made it in -- got like 4 inches cut and i feel like a new women. and 5 lbs lighter. i have a lot of hair. whew and the meds kill it or make it freaky. anyway.. the simple things.. wow, make this girl happy.

tough week for my daughter. she is just on an emotional roller coaster. so many things have changed in her life -- school, her body and her mom. this week it could have been so good (she was nominated by her science teacher for an american scholar award and finally got that A in algebra) but those other things just killed it - -friends are hard because she is changing faster then them, homework is A LOT and mom is always tired. things we take day by day. she is going to spend a few days with her aunt (my favorite aunt) to get away from it all and just have fun.

the boys are boys -- still spoiled but a major need in my life -- the perfect compliment to my life as it is today.
